Tag Archives: free forums

hey is there a software like phpbb88.com uses where i can offer free forums i know wordpress has it for blogs?

not joomla i use it to make a site i need a system that its based on phpbb so i can provide free forums so user can just sign up and they get a free forum like phpbb88.com i mean wordpress has a script like that where u can install it and people can sign up for free wordpress blogs from ursite well i want one for phpbb where people can sign up for free forums at my site and it creates the forums for them you get what i am sayin?
OK! let me correct my self here is an example of what i want go to phpbb88.com see how u can sign up for a free forum and they host it for you i know they use phpbb but i need the software where it installs phpbb and people can sign up and then it creates a forum for them basically i need a software where it can install multiple phpbb with a sigeup form for example wordpress has one on wordpress.com and they have the software wordpressmu where u install it can u can offer free blogs well i need one for phpbb i install people signup and they get a free forum i think no one understand what im lookin for 🙁