How do paging works on blogs? What kind of script/code is it using?

I am wondering how blogs, online journals, xangas etc. know how to display certain number of entries/articles on one page. For example, on WordPress, you can set to show 10 articles/entries per page.

What kind of script/code(s) make that happen?

What’s such "function" call?
Hi Ray:

Any WordPress blogs, such as,,, etc.

As for Xanga, I don’t know any on the top of my head right now. >_<

WordPress Theme Installation with Elegant Themes

Visit to grab your own copy of Elegant Themes. In this video, I show off a few features from Elegant Themes, one of my favorite theme providers. We will also download, extract and upload to our domain one of the themes we find there. Some of the features of Elegant Themes that I love are the shortcodes and ePanel features. Shortcodes allow you to quickly bring in beautiful buttons or tabs, without coding. The ePanel allows you to turn on or off categories that are displayed in a variety of places. It’s a short video, but if you are struggling with installing a new theme, then this video will really help. Resources Used In Video

Artisteer Theme Software 2 of 4 Video Tutorial & Demonstration and http present a demonstration and tutorial on how to use the Artisteer software to create custom blog templates in minutes. Get your free version of the blog template created in this video at (presented in 4 parts to show you real-time use, YouTube has a limit of 10 minutes — long but worth it!) WordPress, Blogger, blogspot, themes, templates, free wordpress themes