Tag Archives: free games

5 Open Source Games that Don't Suck

For Linux, Mac and Windows! While most free and open source games don’t have the production values of big AAA titles, that doesn’t mean that the perception that they all “suck” is true. || Join the chat! twitter.com || In this week’s OS.ALT I talk about five of the most addicting open source games available to be downloaded free today. UFO: Alien Invasion – ufoai.sourceforge.net Nethack – www.nethack.org OpenTTD – www.openttd.org Battle for Wesnoth – www.wesnoth.org SuperTuxKart- supertuxkart.sourceforge.net

Linux Games : What You Should Know

Both Steam and Source have been rumored to be coming to Linux for years. Linux games are probably the biggest need when it comes to Linux software. || Join the chat: www.facebook.com || And having people adopt OS’s like Ubuntu for their desktops at home. | So Valve’s recent announcement that Steam & Source will soon be running natively on Linux is a huge deal for gamers like me. I can’t wait to load up Steam in Ubuntu – check out this episode of OS.ALT for more of my thoughts! Valve Needs Linux Developers: www.steamforlinux.com Great Website on Linux Gaming: www.phoronix.com