Tag Archives: open office suite

How do you add clip art/images to the gallery in Open Office?

I recently installed the Open Office suite of products to get away from the MS monster. I have found them very useful but lacking in a few areas – the gallery/clipart being the most pressing… Any assistance on how to load more images into its clip art library and where to download clip art would be greatly appreciated, as the instructions on their site are giving me a headache with very little success.

How Can I Change Open Office File Extentions to Save For Windows?

I recently downloaded Open Office Suite with every program. I was very please and impressed by their programs. Their like the mirror image of Microsoft Office. I didn’t like the fact that it didn’t have a program like Outlook, though I have Mozilla Thunderbird. But my question is, is there a way to have everything I create (word, presentation etc) automatically save as a Word or Powerpoint file? I want this because I do work for school and my school doesn’t have open office so every time I use my flash drive to open a document created by open office it doesn’t work. So can I just change is so its Word and Powerpoint even though its Impress and Writer! THANKS!
I basically want to have the file extension change by auto!