Category Archives: Open Office

How do you add clip art/images to the gallery in Open Office?

I recently installed the Open Office suite of products to get away from the MS monster. I have found them very useful but lacking in a few areas – the gallery/clipart being the most pressing… Any assistance on how to load more images into its clip art library and where to download clip art would be greatly appreciated, as the instructions on their site are giving me a headache with very little success.

How do I open up my microsoft document as a open office document?

okay, my microsoft ran out of its trial and i didn’t want to go and buy it so I just downloaded open office which is pretty much the same only it was free, but now the problem is that now when i try and open up a document off my usb pen it still opens up as the old mircosoft that has ran out and i can’t use it, so how do I make it open up as a open office document?

please help 🙂

How do you make columns without making a new column in the top row in Open Office?

I am using the table function in Open Office and trying to have a description on the top row and then break down the information into different columns below it. When I try to do this it creates a new column in the top row as well, which is not something I want to do.

I know I can separate the columns, but then I don’t know how to combine them back again. Anyone know how to do this?

How do I number rows in an Open Office /Microsoft word table?

Hello everybody, I am trying to create a signature list for a petition with 4 columns and 300 rows. It would be very helpful if at the begining of the row would be consecutive numbers so that one can see how many signatures have accumulated already. Any idea how to enable that feature in Open office or Microsoft word?