Tag Archives: admin panel

WordPress Widget Series – Episode Two

Hey everyone! This is the second and last episode in the short series I did on the Widget System you get out of the box with WordPress 3.x. I don’t address what I covered in the first episode at all so if you missed that one, stop what you’re watching and skip back one. It’ll definitely help with fleshing out the questions you may have with this video. Hopefully after watching this, you’ll have a much better understanding of the widgets that WordPress gives you right out of the box! Take care and enjoy! Tad

WordPress plugins MISSING (old theme NOT working) Help?

Recently I (accidentally) deleted the theme I was currently using in my ftp client.

I re-uploaded the same theme (sans the few modifications I had made previously) to my ftp client under "/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/themes" like normal, but when I go into my wordpress admin panel, ALL of my plugins are GONE.

And when I activate my theme, nothing shows up but the theme alone. No posts, no nothing. I just get this error message in the sidebar:

"Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_useronline() in /home/meredith/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/themes/Minimalistic/sidebar.php on line 8"

And frankly, I don’t understand what it means.

So I did a restore with a back-up I had downloaded earlier that day, but still nothing is right again.

I tried downloading and uploading my old plugins to my ftp, but when I go to my admin panel, they still don’t show up. I’ve tried uploading them directly to my wordpress admin panel and there’s still nothing.

I just want to know how to fix my old plugins and maybe get my old them back.

Anyone know what I’m doing wrong?
