Tag Archives: wordpress blog

What is the best wordpress plugin for images?

Hi there – I run a wordpress blog and when I upload images, it’s a total pain to re-size them in the "manage post" section (especially for very large images). I usually end up resizing them and then uploading them. I would prefer to just upload the full size image, but haven’t found an easy to use plugin. Other than the flickr plugins, has anyone had good experience with any wordpress plugins for images?

ProBlogger: How To Choose The Best Free WordPress Theme

www.AuthorityNetworker.com In the early days of the internet, people like you and I were forced to pay a professional web designer just to have a decent website. I personally didnt have the cash to hire anybody, so I had to learn HTML, PHP, Javacript (and way too much else) just to get my first site up and running. Now, YOU can quickly become a ProBlogger by using free WordPress themes or templates to get your basic layout and functionality while customizing your blog with graphics and high quality content. Finish reding this post at NickyFantastic.com