I am looking for an open source Content Management System (CMS). This CMS needs to have a public facing navigation but when you login, it dynamically changes to a navigation for members only. What CMS out there can do this for me?
Monthly Archives: August 2010
Where is a great place to find wordpress themes that are not blogs?
Pilote JT sur l'open source
Bonjour, Intelli’N TV ou Flo2s TV, le nom n’est pas encore sûr car le projet évolue. Ce qui est sûr c’est qu’Intelli’N, regroupement d’entreprises, d’associations et d’experts de l’informatique, va prochainement lancer sa webTV dédiée à l’open source. A partir de ses studios à Soissons et à Montpellier, l’équipe diffusera des programmes à destinations des professionnels et plus globalement des personnes qui se questionnent sur le libre. Au programme: – Journal Télévisé Hebdomadaire (à terme quotidien) – Les hebdos – Interviews – Tables rondes – Salons – Formations L’objectif est de mieux comprendre les enjeux de l’open source dans l’entreprise, de faire intervenir des professionnels du secteurs sur ce sujet. Nous espérons que cette chaîne sera un outils de diffusion de l’open source dans une démarche stratégique. Nous inviterons tous les acteurs du secteur à participer au contenu dont une grande partie sera diffusée en creative common: Editeurs, distributeurs, DSI mais aussi associations, universités, politiques… Dans un deuxième temps,nous espérons pouvoir en faire un outil d’expression: Partager des vidéos sur le libre, faire des concours vidéos sérieuses et humoristique… Si vous avez des idées, si vous avez des commentaires, ils seront les bienvenus ! Pour vous donnez une idée de contenu voici le pilote du JT La rédaction
How do you get to the Linux root directory in terminal mode?
I am asking this on behalf of my colleague.
My colleague is now using his Linux Desktop and is at the Linux terminal option. He is trying his very best to get to the root directory, but to no avail. All his efforts are in vain.
He is now stuck in the "username@username-desktop:~$" environment.
How can he go to the root directory?
What are some good jpop websites? (maybe blogs like wordpress)?
I use allkpop.com for korean music and like that format. It updates regularly with the latest on music and other celebrity info. I’m more interested in just the music aspect for japanese though, but I’m ok with the rest too. However, jpop.com has a really dull layout. I don’t want a collective history of jpop music. Just something that updates with the latest. Maybe a blog from wordpress?
any one can help me installing a plugins to wordpress and i cant find the icon in wordpress that uploads plugi
how i can i upload my plugin or theam to word press blog is there any icon for this
Install GTK Themes – Ubuntu 10.04
Q: a.imageshack.us For more themes check out gnome-look.org www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Install icon themes www.youtube.com Install Emerald Themes www.youtube.com
Are there any good open source programs for managing music with an iPod?
I tried using frost wire and iTunes together but had difficulty. I like Frost Wire… any good open source programs I could download to manage my iPod and/or other musical devices with?
Will open office work in place of Microsoft office?
I am taking a college class CIS 101 and Microsoft Office is required. I have the student edition but it does not have access included and access is required. I tried downloading the professional version for free from Microsoft but it kept saying my computer was offline, and now it says I have tried to many times. Will open office work, or is it different enough that I won’t be able to complete my assignmnets? Thank you!