All posts by Linux Fan

Google I/O 2008 – Open Source is Magic

Open Source is Magic Chris DiBona (Google) Google Open Source Programs Manager Chris DiBona will discuss how, in fact, Open Source is too good to be true and thus must be magic. He will talk about how open source came into being, what it is, what it is not, and how Google uses it to write its software, release software to you and maybe make life a little more magical for you, too.

What are the basics to creating a Linux Application?

I am an advanced web-programmer (learned basic C++, very comfortable with OOP, etc) but I have no experience in developing full-fledged standalone applications, especially in Linux.

I am very interested in contributing to the community but not sure how to apply my programming/design knowledge to Linux. What are some good resources to learn/tips?


What would a group need to implement an "open source" rebellion?

In Iran recently illegal protests were aided by such things as cell phones, Twitter, etc. However, such mechanisms can be fairly easily thwarted. If a group wanted to overthrow a repressive government, it would need to construct an unbreakable communication apparatus for planning and implementation. I would think that such an apparatus could be designed and run "open source" so even if the government in question attempted to interrupt it, they couldn’t. How would you go about constructing such an apparatus?