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All posts by Linux Fan
Massively Multiplayer Open Source Game Development
Google Tech Talks October 16, 2008 ABSTRACT An MMORPG project is challenging for any development team, let alone a distributed team of “amateur” volunteers. This talk will explore the internal design of the FOSS MMO project called PlaneShift, and how that design was influenced by the strengths and weaknesses of the team structure and the community. Topics will include server design, network topology, NPC AI and management and player security, among others. Speaker: Keith Fulton Keith Fulton is the CTO at ChoicePay, Inc. in Tulsa, Oklahoma which is an electronic payments company. In his spare time, he has been the principal architect on the PlaneShift project since 2001, along with dozens of other contributors. PlaneShift has over 500000 registered accounts and maintains a small, tight-knit community of players, fans and developers. The game is entirely written in C++ under the GPL.
How to compile Linux Kernel
Compiling Mandrake Linux at the command prompt.
Is there a website template similar to what WordPress is to blogs?
I know there’s thousands of templates out there, but I just want a blank slate template like what WordPress is for blogs or phpBB is for forums.
Is it okey to sell/free distribute template monster wordpress themes on internet?
wordpress is distributed under GPL license. It means themes/plugins available for wordpress are also become in GPL. Companies like Template monster’s sell WP templates. After templates being sold can anybody resell/freely distribute with/without modifying their themes?
Is it legal?
What is a good open source software for creating flash files?
I have been getting into flash a bit for the web and need a proffessional tool that I can use prefferably open source. If not, what are good programs for this ather than adobe’s?
How do you make different sized columns in Open Office?
How do you make different sized columns in Open Office?
Like divide the page in two but one side bigger than the other?
What is the best Linux operating system to use if you are getting started?
I am a Computer Science student looking into developing a stronger Linux background. I plan to buy a new harddrive and install a partition to it.
Ubuntu 9.10 Screencast
go.tagjag.com – twitter.com – I recently asked all of you to submit your screencasts to me for review. The best of the best will be chosen to be featured here, in my various channels and outlets. This provides content of a different perspective for our community, and gives you new exposure for your work! Duncan has submitted an excellect screencast, showing all of us the new Ubuntu 9.1 operating system. www.youtube.com – chris.pirillo.com – http – shipit.ubuntu.com – http – gnome-look.org
how to add best and useful plugins in wordpress blog ?
i’ve a wordpress site, which i’ve hosted on .net domain, can anybody tell me how to add more plugins in my website,, here it is.