Tag Archives: ecommerce. plugins

WordPress Ecommerce Plugins

WordPress Ecommerce Plugins – Today we are joined with Sé Reed, Chris Lema, Wes Chyrchel, Scott Bolinger, Dave Jesch and our host Jason Tucker Holy War of E-Commerce Plugins WooCommerce www.woothemes.com Shopp shopplugin.net Sé did a 4 hour conference on Shopp, she had previous issues with it and learned quite a bit from this talk. Her fave thing is when it makes cart pages it makes virtual pages not custom post types. Dave talks a bit about virtual pages ins Shopp Scott says that Shopp is complicated and the 4 hour webinar would help with learning it. Se talks about the method of teaching Shopp that they did in the webinar. Scott and his company likes Woocommerce and how simple it is to use. Se thinks that Woo, WooCommerce and WooThemes is a bit bloaty. www.woothemes.com Chris has gone years not receiving an emailed from Shopp, he received an email from them and he thinks they are ramping up on their marketing. Chris also like Easy Digital Downloads by Pippin. wordpress.org Chris also mentioned how Woo has made the theming cleaner and most of their options are unchecked to save you time in turning on just what you need. Chris mentions that caching that is agressive can mess with things, Scott mentions that he had recent experience with this and his host WP Engine stepped in and helped resolve these issues. www.wpengine.com Chris is a big fan of Woocommerce but if you are doing online downloads and such Easy Digital Downloads may be the way to go Jason asked about the