Tag Archives: google analytics

Google Analytics WordPress Plugin

www.profitblog.com Google analytics wordpress plugin for your wp blog The Google Analytics for WordPress plugin allows you to track your blog easily and with lots of metadata. Full list of features Simple installation through integration with Google Analytics API: authenticate, select the site you want to track and you’re done. This plugin uses the asynchronous Google Analytics tracking code, the fastest and most reliable tracking code Google Analytics offers. Option to manually place the tracking code in another location. Automatic Google Analytics site speed tracking. Outbound link & downloads tracking. Configurable options to track outbound links either as pageviews. Option to track just downloads as pageviews in Google Analytics. Allows usage of custom variables in Google Analytics to track meta data on pages. Support for the following custom variables: Author Single category and / or multiple categories Post type (especially useful if you use custom post types) Logged in users Publication Year Tags Possibility to ignore any user level and up, so all editors and higher for instance. Easily connect your Google AdSense and Google Analytics accounts. Option to tag links with Google Analytics campaign tracking, with the option to use hashes (#). Option anonymize IP’s, for use in countries like Germany. Full debug mode, including Firebug lite and ga_debug.js for debugging Google Analytics issues. Allow local hosting of ga.js file. Tracking of search engines not included in

WordPress Plugins – Top 5 WP Plugins

For more in-depth tutorials visit: pressmastery.com There are a vast number of WordPress plugins that can be used to render your WordPress based website functional in the manner you wish. Regardless of the purpose of your website, you may wish to use plugins to gain more online exposure, integrate with social media, optimize your website for better search engine rankings, enhance your design, and much more. Easy to download and install, these tools can change your website for the better within minutes. http

#003 – 15 FREE WordPress Plugins For Your Niche Site

www.freevideoset.com This is part 3 of Outsourcing Your Niche Site and inside this video I share with you 15 FREE WordPress plugins that will help you increase your traffic to your niche website. For more videos and resources like this visit: www.tyroneshum.com

Google Analytics for WordPress

This video shows you why you should install the Google Analytics for WordPress plugin instead of just embedding the Google Analytics tracking code straight into your blog. It shows you how it uses WordPress functionality to save all sorts of post meta data in custom variables and events, and where to find these custom variables and events in Google Analytics.

WordPress Plugins

How to choose and add WordPress Plugins. How to use the WordPress Plugin Directory. Plugins I suggest: Akismet for comment spam, Google Analytics for WordPress, easily hooks WordPress to Google Analytics. All In One SEO Pack – the changes WordPress should make. Google XML Sitemaps — creates a google sitemap, important for SEO. Fast Secure Contact Form — allows visitors to send you email. ShareThis — social sharing buttons in many different iterations. W3 Total Cache — creates flat (not dynamic) files. Disqus Comment System — Replaces wordPress comment system with more socially-aware system. Yet Another Related Posts Plugin — shows related posts from your blog. WP-DB-Backup — backs up your WordPress database. Smart YouTube — easily insert YouTube videos. Exclude Pages from Navigation — allows you to remove pages from your nav bar. AskApache Password Protect — adds level of protection for passwords. Dynamic Content Gallery — Creates a dynamic image gallery. FD Feedburner Plugin — redirects all feeds to a Feedburner feed. Featured Content Gallery — creates a rotating image gallery. Twitter Tools — integrates your blog with Twitter. WordPress Firewall — blocks suspicious-looking requests to WordPress. WP Facebook Like — Puts a Like button on posts. WP Security Scan — performs a security scan of your WordPress installation. WP iPhone Theme — formats your site with a mobile theme. These plugins cover traffic builder, traffic monitoring, traffic generator

Can I use StatCounter and Google Analytics Together in WordPress?

I have installed 2 plugins in my WordPress website to allow me to use Google Analytics and StatCounter. It looks though as if neither one gets any data from my website. I had used StatCounter exclusively until last week and it worked just fine, until I added the Google Analytics plugin. Are both scripts preventing each other from working properly?
Any Ideas on what should be done?