Reviewing Bueno, a free WordPress theme made by Woo Themes. Yi from Web Hosting Break takes you through the front and backend of this simple and bold theme. For more videos, visit:
Category Archives: Themes
wordpress themes with a header size of 950 by 495?
i need one that size or somewhere around that size? for free? thanks
How To Create a WordPress Theme In Under 10 Minutes – Artisteer Review
Artisteer Download Page .In this video you will see how Artisteer works and how simple it is to create a wordpress theme fast. Check out my site for more information on wp themes custom. I would like to thank michelle macphearson chris pirillo John Chow For there videos that have helped me to work better online
is there a wordpress plugin to change to dark and light themes?
I’m using "THESOURCE" theme by Elegant Themes however, is there a way to add buttons so it can go from Red light to Dark Red. kind of like how G4TV’S site is. see how it has to buttons? see how it’s light and dark? that’s what I want for my wordpress theme.
FREE WordPress Landing Page Tutorial Part 1 of 7 FREE WordPress Landing Page Tutorial Part 1 of 7 FREE WordPress Landing Page Plus and extensive 7 Part Over the Shoulder Video Tutorial Seies showing how to install and configure this Professionally designed WordPress Landing Page Theme.
How to create a custom wordpress blog theme?
Hello. Does anybody know where can I create a good custom wordpress theme? Thank you
Premium WordPress Theme E Fix Overview 1 This premium theme allows for easy flexibility with setting up business pages, product pages or services showcasing.
How can I alter a wordpress theme?
I have a wordpress theme that I kind of like. However, I would like it be a website page not a blog. I want to get rid of everything on it that looks like a blog and have that sidebar availble for links and my products.
Is there anyway to do this if you don’t know code? (it’s WAY over my head.)
WordPress Theme Installation with Elegant Themes
Visit to grab your own copy of Elegant Themes. In this video, I show off a few features from Elegant Themes, one of my favorite theme providers. We will also download, extract and upload to our domain one of the themes we find there. Some of the features of Elegant Themes that I love are the shortcodes and ePanel features. Shortcodes allow you to quickly bring in beautiful buttons or tabs, without coding. The ePanel allows you to turn on or off categories that are displayed in a variety of places. It’s a short video, but if you are struggling with installing a new theme, then this video will really help. Resources Used In Video
Where can I find a tutorial for creating wordpress theme 3.0 from scratch?
I want to create a new wordpress 3.0 theme but I can’t seem to find a nice good tutorial. I only end up finding "how to enable wordpress 3.0 for your theme" but I don’t want that. I want something from zero. Could you help me?
I don’t want any 2.x tutorials. Only WordPress 3.0.
I really can’t believe only one man in the whole Yahoo! world could answer me.