Category Archives: Themes

Photoshop to wordpress theme conversion

Here is my recent work, where i converted a Photoshop file to search engine optimized W3 xhtml validated wordpress theme (psd to wordpress theme) . You can find me at Here are the following steps to covert a psd to wordpress theme Step 1 : Analyze the psd file and make slices of the images from it. Step 2 : Make functional Xhtml page from it. Step 3 : Make a wordpress theme using proper wordpress template tags ( ). I will soon update with more detailed videos. You can also tweet me at

Amazing WordPress Themes

Alright I’m here to show you some great looking wordpress themes guys. Those of you in the blogging business or regular website business this is for you. Also to point out it is a year, so this is a great deal for a whole year. They look amazing and are easy to work with too. Also I am thejman1002 its my other youtube account, so look it up. Here’s my referral link if you would be so kind lol: And here’s the non referral link: Check it out and enjoy guys As always email for questions

Why won't any WordPress themes work?

I was looking on here… for free wordpress themes and I found a few that I liked when I tried to upload them and install them and none of them worked! Everytime I upload one I get an error like this Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required (then my domain name) etc.
Why does this keep happening? I contacted the hosting and they said its something with the themes not there hosting.

Socrates WordPress Theme Create An Adsense And Clickbank Monetized, Search Engine Optimized, Niche WordPress Blog In Just A Few Minutes With The Socrates Theme Socrates is a premium wordpress theme created by Joel Comm and Dan Nickerson and designed for marketers. In this short video, see all the cool features that make Socrates the logical choice for your next theme. Features Include.. Built in Header Generator 200+ Niche Header Designs Upload Your Own Headers 4 Custom Nav Bars with New Window and No Follow Links! Optional Built In Adsense, Affiliate and Clickbank Ad Bar Social Media Slider – Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn,YouTube, RSS Choose from Dozens of Backgrounds On The Fly Custom Styling and Color Options Affiliate Program Integration 728×90 Banner Custom HTML Rotator Multiple Sidebar Layouts Internet Marketing and WordPress Training Monetize With Any Affiliate Program or Network Sales Page Templates No Side Bar Template Squeeze Page Template Advanced SEO Layout In Post Ad Units – Can be Disabled on Per Post Basis! Incredible Support and Community Forum Once you order you’ll also get instant access to our Video Tutorials WordPress Installation Video Socrates Installation Video Adsense for WordPress The Everything WordPress Webinar WordPress Plugins and SEO Cpanel and WordPress Setup How To Locate Profitable Niches How To Profit From Trends How To Find A Great Domain Name The Best Webhost For Your Domain How To Get Google To Pay You Money How To Get Paid To