Tag Archives: blog

Is anyone good with blogger or wordpress blogs?

I need to extend the width of the widget and posting colums I do not know how to do it or if its posible . Some of the pictures that have wide angles get cut of and you only see about 90% of the picture and the widget colum is to small also heres a look at my blog so you can see what I am talking about http://arronbright.blogspot.com/ so i guess i need to know how to extend the with of each colum.

My blog is at blooger.

Is there a way to edit a WordPress themes font and font size that is easy? ?

I have had this theme for several years. I know how to change little things like the banner and such at the top. But, I would like to change the font size and color. Both in the body and the sidebar. Is there an easy way for a novice to do this? Here is my blog: http://mrbradg.com

Thanks ahead of time!!
There seems to be a million different places to change the font in the css file. Is there a easy way to change each one or just change them all?