Tag Archives: Ubuntu

How to Boot Windows or Linux via a Flash Drive – SYSTM

Boot Windows or Linux via USB! USB Flash Drives are more than just storage, they’re a great way to run your safe copy of Linux or Windows on -any- machine that can boot from USB! This secret tip gives you security, safety, and ease of mind – and also makes it easy to fix your PC! Thanks for favorite / rating and commenting, Subscribe for more!

My Ubuntu Lucid Lynx Review 10.04 – with Screen Captures!

www.nixiepixel.com A full review of Ubuntu’s most recent release, Lucid Lynx, complete with new features, software previews and screenshots. Enjoy! All screen recordings and screenshots were captured by me and allowable for redistribution based on the Open Source Initiative. http Intro music is used with CCL 3.0 : “Blondie” by Speedsound www.jamendo.com

How to Build Your Own Linux Distro

twitter.com – Chances are by now you’ve messed around with Linux. And of course, Linux may have messed around with you. Unless you know what you’re doing, it can be a real mess. So, there are distros you can download to help you along. These distributions are built by other people with different needs and ideas than what you have. So what are you left to do? How can you build your own distro? chris.pirillo.com – http