Tag Archives: wordpress blog

How To Integrate/aggregate 2 Or More WordPress Blogs In To A Master Blog?

Well I have more than one wordpress blog and all deal in different topics but I want the content or the posts to appear on a single blog which may be the master blog of all. Like I update blog3 then its post should appear on the master blog and when clicked on it, it should go to the original post page on blog 3. Practical example of this is Gigaom.com. They have aggregated almost 6 blogs(TheAppleBlog,Earth2Tech etc.) into a single master blog that is Gigaom.com.

Can i use wordpress to promote or sell Clickbank products?

I want to promote a diet product on Clickbank using a WordPress blog..
But I was just told on another forum that WP doesn’t allow blogs that
involve monetization (I cant make money off it). Is this true?
What this person was saying is that WordPress doesn’t allow
people to use affiliate links in their blogs.
What does this mean exactly "But you can use the wordpress platform
on your own hosting account"?

Tutorial – How To Register And Install a Free WordPress Blog With a New Theme – HD

www.CristiMarin.com Tutorial – How To Register And Install a Free WordPress Blog With a New Theme – New How To 2010 HD

lynda.com Tutorial | WordPress 3.0: Creating and Editing Custom Themes-Writing HTML for the homepage

Watch the entire course at www.lynda.com In WordPress 3.0: Creating and Editing Custom Themes, author Chris Coyier shows how to build a custom WordPress theme from scratch and satisfy common client requests. The course covers steps necessary to build a theme using a complete workflow with Photoshop, HTML, CSS, and WordPress 3.0. Also included are tutorials on enhancing a WordPress site with JavaScript, using plugins, and ensuring site security.