www.kasrod.com – First wordpress theme with 10 million color themes. Kasrod is a minimalistic theme without too much clutter, and makes your blog easy to read and navigate. You have the power to customize your blog according to your choice of colors. There are 16 million colors to choose from, and apart from that you can also upload your own header image. Kasrod allows you to upload advertisements of your blog’s sponsors. You can just upload an image ad and specify the link to the sponsor’s website. Kasrod integrates Google Adsense within theme options, so you can easily place Adsense ads in your blog. You can directly enter Google analytics code in the theme options page to integrate Analytics witout having to edit the theme files.
Tag Archives: Wordpress
Great WordPress Plugins
wasims.com I have just installed 2 WordPress Plugins on my blog. Plugin Number 1 Subscribe To Comments by Mark Jaquith Plugin Number 2 : Comment Luv by Andy Bailey
WordPress Plugin for Creating Contests
contestburner.com This wordpress plugin can be used to create viral contests for your blog or website. The wordpress plugin can randomly pick a winner in your contest. The wordpress plugin can intergrate youtube, facebook, twitter and other social bookmarking sites to promote your contest. Get backlinks from using this wordpress plugin as well. contestburner.com
Are WordPress themes interchangeable with Tumblr themes?
i just made an account on tumblr, never used a site like that before and well, making a theme on it is turning out to be harder than ive expected.
ive worked with CSS before, but this is completely different than anything ive ever done… design is my strong point, not coding.
after a bit of googling, the closest thing to a theme generator for tumblr i could find was this: http://www.yvoschaap.com/wpthemegen/
its a theme generator for wordpress, but there are indications that it might work for tumblr too, but its not clear. can anyone tell me for sure if this works or not? or recommend one that DOES work for tumblr?
id like to know for sure before i go through the trouble of making all the graphics then having them not work.
WordPress Tutorial – How to Add Images to Posts and Pages in WordPress – WordPress Tutorial Video
www.honeyandthemoon.co.uk – Welcome to our WordPress tutorial. This video is a short WordPress tutorial on how you can make the most of your WordPress website and WordPress theme by adding images into your WordPress posts and WordPress pages. The beauty of WordPress is that you once the initial theme is in place, you can modify it to your heart’s content! So this is a short WordPress Pages tutorial and a WordPress post tutorial for beginners ideally or anyone that is interested in getting to know WordPress. Check out our other WordPress videos (coming soon). If you’re interested in getting your very own, unique WordPress theme designed at a surprisingly low price, please visit www.honeyandthemoon.co.uk or contact us at studio@honeyandthemoon.co.uk
My-Market.eu install xLanguage WordPress plugin
View how to activate and use xLanguage WordPress plugin with WordPress and WordPress Mu
How to install Ready2Launch! WordPress theme
Guide how to install Ready2Launch! free WordPress theme – ready2launch.jedenbod.cz Ready2Launch! is free WordPress theme developed by Jakub Mikuláš – http
WP-Sublime WordPress Theme From Solostream
This is a short demo video showing how easy it is to customize WP-Sublime, the newest WordPress Theme from Solostream.com.
WordPress Theme Tutorial
In this tutorial I’ll show you how a WordPress theme comes together. I’ll walk you step by step through the html, css and WordPress PHP functions and how they work. I will use the default theme in WordPress to start out, but then will create more complicated themes as the tutorial continues. The Code is Here: bit.ly
Auto post plugin for WordPress – Creating Posts with videos, Images, Comments
There are many auto blog, auto pilot plugins for WordPress but this WP plugin automatically post content with images, videos and comments (Questions and Answers). More info: bit.ly For more premium WordPress plugins and themes visit wpbay.net