Category Archives: Open Source

What is the best open source social networking software available?

I am looking to start a social network for my company and I am wondering if anybody knows of a good open source PHP based solution. I have found a few scripts worth considering like phpfox. Can anyone suggest a better script? I am weary of using free software for obvious reasons, you get what you pay for, your site really isn’t yours…The list goes on.. Thanks in advance.

Go Open Source or Go Home

Still having trouble deciding on open source? Watch this video as this is a good explanation.

You don’t have to be a geek to want to save your money and download programs for free. Here are 5 of my quick picks for open source software. My site – You may be wondering; What is Open Source? Open source generally refers to software that is released with open source code and no restrictions on downloading, modifying or advertising the work. An open source program usually starts when developers publish their code where other developers can learn about it, download it, and play with it. Where do you come in? You can reap all the benefits of course by using the application for no cost to you. Here is where you can download the programs mentioned in the video (in order) Firefox: openoffice: GIMP: Pidgin: Video Editing Software: kdenlive: (for Linux) Avidemux: (for Windows) Thanks and hope you enjoyed! Music: “Blondie” by Speedsound (used with CCL 3.0)

Yochai Benkler: Open-source economics

Wondering about whether to switch to open source. Here is a economic view of the open source movement. Law professor Yochai Benkler explains how collaborative projects like Wikipedia and Linux represent the next stage of human organization. By disrupting traditional economic production, copyright law and established competition, they’re paving the way for a new set of economic laws, where empowered individuals are put on a level playing field with industry giants.

How do open source companies avoid harmful contributions and find the useful ones?

Because wikipedia is open source, I can modify anything I want. But what happens if someone deletes, adds bad content, modifies useful content ? What does wikipedia do to prevent that ?

The last question is available for any other open source software: linux, php etc. How do they know which contribution is useful and which is harmful ?
Thank you.

How Open Source Projects Survive Poisonous People (And…

Ever have trouble getting your point across about open source? If so, this video is for you.

Google Tech Talks January 25, 2007 ABSTRACT Every open source project runs into people who are selfish, uncooperative, and disrespectful. These people can silently poison the atmosphere of a happy developer community. Come learn how to identify these people and peacefully de-fuse them before they derail your project. Told through a series of (often amusing) real-life anecdotes and experiences. Credits: Speaker:Ben Collins-Sussman, Speaker:Brian Fitzpatrick

Where Can I find open source?

Here is an interesting question I found out there in the net.

Where can I find a open source Unix download for free, every time I find a new one I get a virus from it, it really sucks

I suppose this person is not picking up the source code from a relizble source.  If you want to find the download, the best places to visit are the links on the Blogroll on the right of this page.  You will not pick up a virus from these folks.