Thesis WordPress Theme: Artikel: iTunes Abo: Thesis ist ein Premium WordPress Theme, welches sehr individuell angepasst werden kann. In der ersten Folge beschreibe ich kurz die Vorteile.
Category Archives: Themes
Is there a way to use a WordPress theme as a LiveJournal layout?
I found a WordPress theme that I absolutely love, and I wanted to use it on my LiveJournal. Is there a way to do this? I having a passing acquaintance with the custom designer settings on LJ, but I’m not sure if there is a way to ‘convert’ the theme I want to make it work.
How to Convert Your HTML Page to a WordPress Theme, Part I
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What do i do with the free wordpress theme i downloaded for my new website?
I’m working on my 1st website ever and i feel so lost…i download a folder or wordpress themes and don’t know where to put this folder for my i put it in my ftp folder from my host?
This is where i downloaded it from:
Thanks so much.
How to Design a WordPress Theme – WCBOS Part 1 Boston put on an excellent WordCamp in January of 2010. During the unconference session, I gave a quick overview of how to create a wordpress theme for the first time with a tool that makes it easy. This is part 1, there are two more parts that go with this session. I am working on more in depth tutorials that will be created as screencasts to help provide people with the skills necessary to not only create wordpress themes at an introductory level, but also to work at an intermediate level of wordpress theme design, and move into advance theme design skill sets. Those future screencasts will be available through my website
Free wordpress themes?
I need wordpress themes…the best ones! Where can I find them for free?
How To Preview And Activate WordPress Themes | Learn WordPress Part 3
This video is brought to you by: WordPress themes are one of the biggest draws to their blogging service. Thousands of developers have designed custom CSS themes that can be implemented on the fly to any working WordPress site. In this video I show you how to activate your WordPress theme. Remember you are limited to the themes you can use with your free hosting. Later on, when we are using our own custom built WordPress site, we will be able to upload and implement any WordPress theme we find.
what site i can download premium wordpress themes for free ?
i want to make beautifully wordpress site, but i dont know where i can download themes premium for free?
WordPress Tutorial – How to Make a "Child" Page (Subpage) and How to Hide Sidebar Widget Link
This beginner-level WordPress tutorial shows 1. How to make a “child” page or subpage of another page (a “parent” page) using the WordPress 2.7 editing interface. And 2. How to hide a link in the Pages sidebar widget, in other words, how to keep a link to a page from showing in the Pages sidebar widget by putting the page ID number into the “Exclude” box in the Pages sidebar widget dialog box. Making “child” pages (subpages) is useful because you may not want all your pages to show in the main page navigation of your WordPress theme. In most themes, only “main” pages (pages that don’t have a “parent”) show up in the main page navigation. In some newer WordPress themes, child pages show up in a popup menu that appears when you roll over the main page link. And in some themes, sub-subpages show up in popup menus as well. These are sometimes called “cascading” navigation menus: sub-subpages show up in a popup menu when you roll over a subpage link. The second part of this tutorial shows how to hide (or “exclude”) a link to a page that would otherwise appear in the links of the Pages sidebar widget. This is useful for a number of reasons. One is that when you make a static page your Home page in WordPress, some themes will show the link to this static page as a second home page link in your main navigation. By making the Home page a subpage and excluding that link from the Pages sidebar navigation, you can eliminate the double Home page link.
How to get original php code for my wordpress theme?
I am totally new to this stuff and I made a bad move. I tried modifying the php code in my WordPress theme and now it doesn’t work. And I can’t get back to the original code. Help! How do I get it back? It is the Boldy theme. I don’t want to reinstall because I will lose the good changes that I made. I just want a copy of the original code so I can see what I did wrong.