I run a technology tutorials related blog and was thinking it was time for a theme change…which one of these two themes I found do you like more?
1) http://jazzedup.info/
2) http://triponic.com/test/wordpress/
I run a technology tutorials related blog and was thinking it was time for a theme change…which one of these two themes I found do you like more?
1) http://jazzedup.info/
2) http://triponic.com/test/wordpress/
I stumbled across a magazine online called smashing magazine- www.smashingmagazine.com- they offer all these free wordpress themes- I like alot of them but I am afraid to download because I don’t want any viruses on my computer- however, they state that "all themes have been manually selected, installed and tested over the last weeks." Does anybody know what that means? Does that mean they test for spam/virus?
I want to convert a livejournal theme for my wordpress. Anyone know how to do this.
I made a couple of wordpress themes that i would like to show on my wordpress website.
How can I do that?
GO TO 21becioggcz9prcczcqnbw1r6m.hop.clickbank.net – Hope you like the new UBT. It was a big jump since the last version. The new version also includes “custom stylesheet” and “custom functions” so that when you update in the future, your customizations won’t be lost. It is also iPad ready and compatible to all browsers.
Does any know where I can find free wordpress themes that don’t look like the usual blog themes. Are there any nice professional looking ones and ones that a group of designers and photographers could use?
wptheme4free.com Free Premium WordPress Themes!
I’m searching for a theme and few sites have ones that I like. I like more modern, and sleek themes. Can someone five me a link to where I can find some good themes? Thanks!
getezdesigner.com Artisteer is the first and only Web design software that instantly creates templates for Joomla templates, Drupal themes, WordPress themes and DotNetNuke skins. The Automated Web Designer
I’ve found a few that werent acceptable…..My theme needs to be girly because my target is females….Im willing to pay for my theme so if you know of any please let me know