Tag Archives: Wordpress

How do i make my wordpress blog faster?

I was wondering how do i make my wordpress blog faster! I tried all of these plugins such as wp-super cache, gzip output, and more! None really made it any faster at all! I even tried the built in cache feature, but i had no luck! Can someone please help me!

my blog- http://kiyok3wstiyo.com
(btw-wp-super cache and gzip output is running right now. I also only have 15 plugins installed.)

How to Design WordPress Theme Headers with Flash and more using Artisteer 3

bit.ly softduit.com Part 8 – Introductory video to Artisteer 3 (currently in beta and changing quickly). Brett Bumeter of Softduit Media walks through the basic methodology of designing WordPress 3 Themes with Artisteer 3. Video describes how to design custom headers, for fixed width or fluid width wordpress themes using Artisteer theme design software. For more Intermediate or advanced training tips please consider subscribing to this channel or check out softduit.com For more information on Artisteer or if you want to download the free trial and work along with the examples http

Lisa's Favorite WordPress Plug-ins

Links to WordPress Plug-ins Link-Within www.linkwithin.com Most Commented wordpress.org TweetMeMe wordpress.org FaceBook Like wordpress.org Really Simple CAPTCHA wordpress.org WordPress DataBase Backup wordpress.org WP TwiTip ID wordpress.org Chap Secure Login wordpress.org FaceBook Fan Box wordpress.org Subscribe to Comments downloads.wordpress.org CommentLUV wordpress.org My blog blog.2createawebsite.com