Tag Archives: Wordpress

WordPress 3.0 Thelonious

WordPress 3.0, the thirteenth major release of WordPress and the culmination of half a year of work by 218 contributors, is now available for download (or upgrade within your dashboard). Major new features in this release include a sexy new default theme called Twenty Ten. Theme developers have new APIs that allow them to easily implement custom backgrounds, headers, shortlinks, menus (no more file editing), post types, and taxonomies.

WordPress: Using Tumblelog Themes to Microblog

www.themeplayground.com Do you want to blog, but not want to have to post long diatribes every time? Why should you have to? These WordPress themes showcase the small, edible, digestible content you encounter and offers it up as attractive and bold. Visit Theme Playground for my favorites list. Not have a blog? Want one? Talk to me. ———- I’m often streaming live video here: www.ustream.tv Stop by and say hi, especially if you’re interested in any of the topics in my videos.

WordPress Tutorials – Adding GeoLocation to Your Post

Hey Everyone! In this tutorial I touch upon adding geolocation to your posts! Running a travel blog? Maybe a site based on restaurant reviews? Wanna show where you camped last weekend? Where precisely the club was that you saw that great last week? The “Geolocation” plugin I talk about gives you the ability to insert a link/map to any address on the globe very easily. NOTE: This only pertains to self-hosted WordPress sites. WordPress.com sites have this plugin baked into the infrastructure of there site already! So write about what you experienced and then show the world where the inspiration was! Cheers! Tad

WordPress Tutorial – Make a Static Page Your Home/Front Page

NOTE: Updated tutorial at bit.ly for WordPress version 2.7. This Beginner-level WordPress Tutorial by Mark McLaren of McBuzz Communications shows you how to make a static WordPress Page your home page (also called “front” page). The default WordPress home page in most themes shows the chronological blog post entries with the most recent post at the top. You can create a static page using the Dashboard – Write – Page, and then tell WordPress to use that page as your home page (using Options – Reading – Front Page). This WordPress tutorial also shows you how to change the order of page navigation tabs or links.