All posts by Linux Fan

What Do You Think about Ubuntu Linux? – – My thoughts on Ubuntu… hah! I think it’s a Linux distro. I don’t have any issues with the operating system. As far as Linux distros go, it’s likely the easiest to use. Any time I say something about one distro instead of another, a war tends to break out. They can all agree, though, that Ubuntu is about as close as Linux has come to being mainstream thus far.

Douglas Rushkoff – Open Source Democracy

PUNKCAST1467 – Nov 5 2008. In the fifth lecture in Evan Korth’s NYU Computers and Society course featured author, thinker and professor Douglas Rushkoff. His topic:”Open Source Democracy.” Following is the foreword, by Douglas Alexander, to Rushkoff’s paper on the same topic: “The internet has become an integral part of our lives because it is interactive. That means people are senders of information, rather than simply passive receivers of ‘old’ media. Most importantly of all, we can talk to each other without gatekeepers or editors. This offers exciting possibilities for new social networks, which are enabled – but not determined – by digital technology. In the software industry, the open source movement emphasises collective cooperation over private ownership. This radical idea may provide the biggest challenge to the dominance of Microsoft. Open source enthusiasts have found a more efficient way of working by pooling their knowledge to encourage innovation. All this is happening at a time when participation in mainstream electoral politics is declining in many Western countries, including the US and Britain. Our democracies are increasingly resembling old media, with fewer real opportunities for interaction. What, asks Douglas Rushkoff in this original essay for Demos, would happen if the ‘source code’ of our democratic systems was opened up to the people they are meant to serve? ‘An open source model for participatory, bottom-up and emergent policy will force us to

How should I go about switching to Ubuntu?

I’m a newbie to Linux and I’ve been researching versions and obviously Ubuntu appealed to me, but I’m not sure how to go about switching to Ubuntu. I’d assume using a dual boot at first would be a smart idea to start out with, if not to keep. I am running on Windows Vista home premium on an HP Pavilion laptop. I’m also not sure which version of Ubuntu to get.

wordpress – plugins wouldnt work on php4 so turned php5 plugins still think it php4?

i turned on php5 via cpanel but the plugins im using still think it is php4 ive tried removing and deleting them and aslo reinstalling them.

How do i tell wp or the plugins its now php5
Thank you very much, i have fixed the problem the problem was there was no php.ini file.

Im not sure how you checked out who my hosting company is as its

Suffusion works with php5 nicely.
As for cache plugin yes i do have one thats why i need php5 to make it work so i knew it wasnt a cache issue lol.

Again thank you very much for helping was begining to think no one could lol.

Askimet Plugin for WordPress Blogs – Reviewing Website Comments http Askimet is one of the default plugins that comes pre-installed on wordpress blogs. Askimet is a wordpress plugin that helps bloggers filter through the the comment spam that is prevalent on the internet. In order to activate your askimet plugin, you will need a wordpress api key. Once the plugin is activated you will have three folders for your comments. A pending, approved and spam comments folder. Having Askimet installed on your wordpress blog will make your blogging experience a little bit easier. For additional wordpress video tutorials visit: Bill Simms MLM & Web Marketing Trainer