hi, i have downlaoded a wordpress theme but how do i upload it to my wordpress blog?
All posts by Linux Fan
How to make open office text document unable to open?
Is there any filetypes that makes it harder to open office documents, when you save them?
Like make it impossible or very hard to open
I mean if i send it to someone online, they are going to struggle to open it.
How to install a new WordPress Theme
www.how2info4u.com – This how to video covers the installation of a new theme for your WordPress 2.6x blog using Filezilla as well as cpanel control panel. For additional help using Filezilla, check out my other videos on setting up filezilla.
What Linux Distribution should I put on my other hard drive partion?
I have to hard drive partions, with one partion being Windows XP, and the other getting ready for Linux. I am wondering what Linux distribution I should use. The computer I use is for Home use, like homework, web browsing, ect… Any suggestions?
What is the difference between different distribution of open source operating system ?
They are several open source operating system available in the web. some of them are redhat, fedora, ubuntu, debian, opensolaris, opensuse etc. what are the similarities do they have and what are there differences ?
Matt Mullenweg – Open source as a philosophy
Matt Mullenweg, founder and lead developer of the WordPress publishing platform, explains how the open source philosophy and “Golden Rule” apply not only to technology — but to such fields as politics, economics and environment. Recorded at Wordcamp Montreal 2009 by Christian Aubry. Licence: Creative Commons BY-SA.
UBUNTU 8.04 Desktop Effects
Desktop Effects on UBUNTU 8.04, i think those effects are more advanced and cool than the ones you can get on Mac Apple. The way to have a cool desktop. TO GET ALL THOSE EFFECTS, INSTALL ComipizConfig Settings Manager, THEN, FROM ITS CONTROL PANEL, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO ACTIVATE AND SELECT THE KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS OF EVERY EFFECT.
How to Put Adsense on Your WordPress Blog
Video shows you two easy ways to put your Google Adsense code on your WordPress blog.
Are there any free blogs that will work with Freewebs? Similar to Cutenews or WordPress?
I have a freewebs website, and want to add a blog to it. However, I don’t want to use the freewebs blog because I don’t think it looks very nice. Also, freewebs doesn’t support php, so I can’t use cutenews or wordpress. Are there any similar blogs which I could use?
What are the most effective WordPress plugins to attract the most relevant traffic and maximize website sales?
What are the most effective WordPress plugins to attract the most relevant traffic, the most relevant traffic and maximize website sales?
I am thinking maybe:
1. RSS feed plugins,
2. Cost Per Action (CPA) plugins or code snippets,
3. Affiliate plugins and/or links
Can you provide links to the tools that you think are the best, and let me know why you think they are the best?