I want to make some of my own music for background ambiance in some youtube videos, but before I cough up a ton of money for some software, I wanted to see if there’s a decent open source rival for it.
All posts by Linux Fan
How to embed youtube Video in WordPress
www.fridaytrafficreport.com Easy trick to embed youtube and other video sharing site code into your WordPress Posts. More great blogging tips at The Friday Traffic Report at http
Where is the best place to find premium wordpress themes?
I have been searching some websites who have about the same themes but at different prices like woothemes.com and eleganthemes.com. Where can I find over 20,000 wordpress themes?
What is Open Source? – Computer Floss
This introductory edition of Computer Floss explains what open source software actually is, why it matters, and throws in a bit of history as well.
Touchscreen Running NOW on ubuntu 10.04 YEA!
Video Demo. Scenes. from Logorama Own YT Channel Running Ubuntu 10.04
How do you put new templates on WordPress blogs?
I have been looking all over the internet and all I ever see is you can download them. How would you put them on a WordPress blog?
How can I find out what open source software a site uses?
How can I tell what open source software a site is using — for example does a site make use of Drupal, WordPress or other open source packages? Is there a free service that I can use to check this?
Whats the difference between Linux and Windows?
Whats the difference between Linux and Windows?
Would you highly reccomend Linux?
What are some of the features?
In Ubuntu 9.04, how do I mount different folders of the same partitions to different folders?
I have a shared NTFS partition ("shared") that I use for data for both Windows and Ubuntu. How can I mount the music folder on shared to $Home/Music, and the Videos folder on shared to $Home/Videos? I want to mount the different folders on the partition to different folders in home. Any help here? Thanks in advance!
Open Office How do i make a graph on a different sheet?
In open office i can make a graph but there is no option to put it on a separate clean sheet so only the graph will print while fitting the paper perfectly.
In open office calc