Tag Archives: blog

How can i moved my blog from wordpress domain to another domain? and which "free" domain is recommended?

I have a blog, and its domain is at wordpress(xxxx.wordpress.com) and i want to move it to another domain because of bandwidth and also because i want to install those plugins(.php) which can be used by FTP softwares to upload them, so how can i move my blog to another better root domain and which free domain is the most recommended??

WordPress Mastery How To Guide, Theme Selection and Installation Tutorial

www.WorkWithVincent.com WordPress has many benefits not only in its versatility and likability in the search engines but you can really maximize presence in your market place with a customized theme. In the following WordPress Installation Tutorial we will break down theme selection. There are literally millions of themes available to WordPress users, the video bellow will guide you through both WordPress theme selection and WordPress theme installation. Remember; this is your gateway to your customer or potential prospect, your stamp online ….continued @ http Keep Believing; Vincent Cameron 289.240.9155 vincent@workwithvincent.com skype: vincent.cameron

Customizing Your Thesis Header (WordPress)

How to update your Thesis header with ease. Important links and code below…. My blog blog.2createawebsite.com Install WordPress on Windows http Thesis Open Hook Plugin wordpress.org Code for header #header { border: none; background-image: url(blog.2createawebsite.com background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 169px; padding: 0; position: relative; } .custom #header #logo a { text-indent: -9999px; width: 450px; height: 169px; display: block; float: left; }

Is it possible to host multiple wordpress blogs on one domain?

Hi, I’m hoping to have multiple blogs on my own domain some day because I have blogs under different topics such as weightloss, christianity and photography, and I want people to be able to visit each as they please without feeling like I’m shoving my own interests into their face (I know the God thing upsets alot of people). Also, I don’t like the idea of having a zillion different categories under one blog, so I do have several different blogs (4 or 5) under the same wordpress account. I just need to know that if I create my own domain, will I be able to visit each blog within the frames of that website, or will I only be able to install one blog and just add links to the others?

I also plan on writing a few books some day and becoming a best seller and possibly running my own photography business so I’ll need to have it all under my name so that people aren’t running around like headless chickens all of the internet trying to find my work.

Any insights/advice? Can you have more than one wordpress blog installed on your domain? Thanks!