Tag Archives: gadgets

Amazing WordPress Themes

Alright I’m here to show you some great looking wordpress themes guys. Those of you in the blogging business or regular website business this is for you. Also to point out it is a year, so this is a great deal for a whole year. They look amazing and are easy to work with too. Also I am thejman1002 its my other youtube account, so look it up. Here’s my referral link if you would be so kind lol: www.elegantthemes.com And here’s the non referral link: www.elegantthemes.com Check it out and enjoy guys As always email for questions phsyco321@hotmail.com www.freeipod.checkplease.ws

Tutorial: How To Install Themes On WordPress

In this tutorial I am going to be showing you how to install WordPress themes on your WordPress Blog! Your Going To want to go to the appearance Section And you upload the theme in the upload Part. Make Sure They Are in a .zip Archive! Links You need: www.free-premium-wordpress-themes.com www.free-premium-wordpress-themes.com Also Check Out My Brand New Website! www.billygfx.com

Google Gadgets in Ubuntu Linux 9.10 Screencast Tutorial

In this new and improved Video Screencast Tutorial from the www.OSGUI.com Tech Show I will show you how to step by step install and use the Google Gadgets for Linux on Ubuntu Linux 9.10 Karmic Koala, it provides a platform for running desktop gadgets under Linux, catering to the unique needs of Linux users. It’s compatible with the gadgets written for Google Desktop for Windows aso well as the Universal Gadgets on iGoogle.

How to Build Your Own Linux Distro

twitter.com – Chances are by now you’ve messed around with Linux. And of course, Linux may have messed around with you. Unless you know what you’re doing, it can be a real mess. So, there are distros you can download to help you along. These distributions are built by other people with different needs and ideas than what you have. So what are you left to do? How can you build your own distro? chris.pirillo.com – http

Tumbler versus WordPress

Here is an interesting discussion about the differences between Tumbler and WordPress.

During live calls recently, Alex called in to ask my opinion on the differences between using WordPress and using Tumblr to blog. Tumblr is a great service and it works very well with almost zero downtime. However, I still prefer WordPress. I don’t like the limitations placed on users by closed platforms such as Tumblr. What are your thoughts? Which type of blogging platform do you use – and why?

What Do You Think about Ubuntu Linux?

twitter.com – facebook.com – My thoughts on Ubuntu… hah! I think it’s a Linux distro. I don’t have any issues with the operating system. As far as Linux distros go, it’s likely the easiest to use. Any time I say something about one distro instead of another, a war tends to break out. They can all agree, though, that Ubuntu is about as close as Linux has come to being mainstream thus far. chris.pirillo.com