Tag Archives: SOFTWARE

The Best Blogging Software Around – WordPress

quesomanrulz.com – Hello again everyone, this video tutorial is about WordPress and how to install and use some of it’s basic features. Two ways of installing WordPress are covered, Fantastico and Manual. Fantastico is preferred by most people and me, it makes the process simpler. If you have access to Fantastico then you should definitely use that. http and 000webhost.com both have the Fantastico service available for their free users. I use http and would suggest that. Thanks to BlackJackEnt for suggesting this tutorial. byethost.com http wordpress.org twitter.com Visit quesomanrulz.co.cc for more!

Open Source Questions and Answers

This is a good open discussion about open source and what it means.

live.pirillo.com – John Perez is a college Freshman who is doing an argumentative paper on Open-Source applications. He sent me a list of ten questions that I am going to answer in simple terms. Also, we’re using our GoToMeeting to allow you to follow along with everyone as they use Open-Source applications.

Firefox, Mozilla, & Open Source: Software Design at Scale

(April 3, 2009) John Lilly, CEO of Mozilla, and Mike Beltzner, Director of Firefox, share their backgrounds and perspectives on how the Mozilla project produces Firefox and other products: what works, what could be better, and what issues they’ve found themselves thinking about most recently. Stanford University: www.stanford.edu Stanford Center for Professional Development: scpd.stanford.edu Stanford University Channel on YouTube: www.youtube.com

Open Source Developers at Google

File systems provide one of the most familiar interfaces end users know. Since implementing a traditional file system is extremely complex and difficult, presenting information seamlessly through files and folders has typically been limited to a small set of select programmers–often kernel hackers who develop at the lowest layers of a system. The MacFUSE mechanism breaks this barrier on Mac OS X by doing all the in-kernel hard work once and for all and leaving to the developer only the file-system-specific logic, which can be implemented as a regular user-space application. MacFUSE, with its simple programmer-visible API (same as the Linux FUSE API) and multiple language bindings, almost trivializes the process of making anything and everything appear seamlessly as a set of files and folders. You can use it to blur the line between the Macintosh Desktop and the Web. In this talk, you will hear the story of MacFUSE from its creator.

How to make a Gantt Chart in openoffice Spreadsheet

I had to put together one of these for a proposal for college and it took me quite a while as I couldn’t find any tutorials for openoffice. I wound up doing it on a windows PC with excel which is something I never like to have to do. I was able to apply how it was done to open office after I’d done it though so I put together this tutorial for anyone that winds up stuck as I was. All the best, I hope that this video helps you. It’s my first tutorial video so I hope people are able to get some info from it without being bored to tears.

iphone support in Ubuntu 10.04 beta1

Everybody is excited now about the product launch of the ipad but I guess it’s time to put it away and take a look at iphone support in the upcoming release of Ubuntu (10.04, Lucid Lynx). The first few minutes are containing footage from a fresh install. After that I compiled the latest version (1.0.0) of libimobiledevice what makes it all possible whit some other software. I suggest you to watch the video in HD. For Ubuntu head to: www.ubuntu.com If you’re looking for more information or building instructions www.libimobiledevice.org The music freemusicarchive.org PS: My iphone is not jailbroken since there is no option for that with 3.1.3 firmware.