Tag Archives: Wordpress

WordPress Theme How To – Part 1

I’ve recently updated these videos. The first in the series is a “showcase” video where I demo several of the types of sites. This is even easier now than every before. Here’s the link to the video: www.youtube.com I am an affiliate for BlueHost which means that if you use my link to signup, they’ll give me a percentage of the signup fee. This is a nice way to say “thanks” if you’ve found my videos useful… a nice way for some “karma” to go around 😉 www.bluehost.com This theme is titled, “wordpress theme how to” which is basically just a how to install a wordpress theme. This was meant mostly for those that are relatively new to wordpress. I hope this helps.

WordPress Themes Review

takethefirststepmarketing.com – Create a custom WordPress theme in minutes. WordPress is hot. Many are flocking to this blog platform and getting rid of their regular web sites for this option. This video explains about wordpress themes, free wordpress themes and paid wordpress themes. Where to get them and what you will need. Themes mentioned on the video www.elegantthemes.com www.wordpressthemeshock.com Godaddy hosting click here: x.co Godaddy domains click here: x.co

WordPress Theme Editing Basics for TwentyTen & TwentyEleven Default Themes

In this video I demonstrate how to do some basic editing on the default WordPress themes (Twentyten and Twentyeleven) to reduce the header size and remove some of the items that, in my opinion, take up way too much space in the header. In the process, I show the basics of setting up a child theme and provide a glimpse into how I use local copies of WordPress running on my computer to make theme editing a lot quicker and simpler. I also demonstrate how to preview changes in Firebug and then copy those changes into your theme css file. This tutorial is intended for non-techies…if you are an expert, then this isn’t for you. Enjoy!

WordPress Plugins – Top 5 WP Plugins

For more in-depth tutorials visit: pressmastery.com There are a vast number of WordPress plugins that can be used to render your WordPress based website functional in the manner you wish. Regardless of the purpose of your website, you may wish to use plugins to gain more online exposure, integrate with social media, optimize your website for better search engine rankings, enhance your design, and much more. Easy to download and install, these tools can change your website for the better within minutes. http

Backlink Creator WordPress Plugin That Creates Backlinks Automatically

Download: scriptech.net Briefly About WordPress Backlink Creator Building backlinks is one of the most important factor for SEO and with that to have traffic to your website. There are many backlink creator software which helps you with backlink building effectively and fast. This is a special backlink creator WordPress plugin which enables you to build backlinks via your WordPress panel.If you have seen the demo video above you have seen how easy it is to use and that this backlink creator plugin is totally automatic. Click on the following link for more details: scriptech.net Searching for more SEO and backilink buildind resources? Visit: scriptech.net

Become a WordPress Theme Author (Part 1). PSD Template Creation

www.divine-project.com – We have started a 5 step video series intended to help people learn how to create a WordPress theme from scratch. You wish to become a themes author, but you don’t have any coding skills? That doesn’t matter, because the process we’re showing doesn’t require any. The series starts from the video tutorial you’re watching now, and this part is dedicated to creation of draft PSD template. If you like our videos – feel free to subscribe to our channel, Twitter(@DivineTeam) or Facebook (http or all at once – we won’t be offended ;).