Tag Archives: software tutorial

WordPress tutorial: how to create JS slideshow for a WordPress Theme With No Coding.

Divine Elemente Team ( www.divine-project.com ) We are glad to announce video tutorial series launch, which are going to help our customers to create WordPress themes directly from Photoshop. The video is dedicated to JS slideshow creation. This video tutorial is divided into 3 pieces: 1. Preparation and PSD hints. 2. Animation settings in Elemente. 3. Billboard (JS Slider) properties in WordPress. We hope that we gave full information on this topic, so you can learn how to create Billboard no problem. But still, if there are any questions / suggestions – feel free to add them in comments, and we will certainly take them into account to improve our video tutorials.

Premise WordPress Plugin (New 2.0)

www.GetPremise.org – New Premise WordPress Plugin 2.0 now run your own money-making WordPress membership site with “drip” content and recurring payments, sell your digital content and more! Get Premise at a special discount at www.GetPremise.org, and get 7 worth of FREE bonuses, including an exclusive training webinar and membership training. The Premise WordPress Plugin 2.0 features include 1. Build a recurring membership site with WordPress. Premise 2.0 allows you to easily setup a paid membership site with secure access to content. This is perfect for micro-memberships, fixed-term memberships, and membership access to your infoproducts, etc. 2. Take recurring payments with automated access management Access to your member area can either be free, a one-time fee, or a recurring charge. Premise 2.0 automatically manages member access after initial payment, continues access after each recurring payment, and denies access when the membership is cancelled or payment is otherwise not made. Naturally, you can also manually manage member access. Get it here: www.GetPremise.org 3. Automatically “drip” member content over time. Some membership sites and online education programs provide an “info dump” at initial access. A better educational and business approach for you might be to “drip” your course or premium content sequentially over time, avoiding member overwhelm, prompting higher understanding and retention, and sustaining membership levels, no matter your business

Become a WordPress Theme Author (Part 1). PSD Template Creation

www.divine-project.com – We have started a 5 step video series intended to help people learn how to create a WordPress theme from scratch. You wish to become a themes author, but you don’t have any coding skills? That doesn’t matter, because the process we’re showing doesn’t require any. The series starts from the video tutorial you’re watching now, and this part is dedicated to creation of draft PSD template. If you like our videos – feel free to subscribe to our channel, Twitter(@DivineTeam) or Facebook (http or all at once – we won’t be offended ;).

How to Build a Website 2012 (Part 4)

Choose your theme/template at www.drefficiency.com In this video we will choose and install a Hot & Cheap WordPress Theme/Template. Steps in this video tutorial include: * Choosing your WordPress theme/template * How to get a free theme or cheap (but professional template) * Installing WordPress themes This video follows on from the video tutorial series: HOW TO CREATE A WEBSITE (WORDPRESS BLOG) FROM SCRATCH === LET’S STAY IN TOUCH === Website – www.drefficiency.com Visit for fresh content! Twitter – http Follow me! Youtube – youtube.com Subscribe for Updates! Email – dr@drefficiency.com Email me for…anything! Tags: how to create a website how to create a website online how to make a website how to make a business website how to make a business website online how to build a website how to build a business website how to build a business website online how to create a business website business web site development website builder web site builder cheap domain “how to make a website” web hosting domain web hosting low cost web hosting small business web hosting how to make a blog page, how to install wordpress, wordpress blog tutorial, how to create a blog wordpress, how to design a wordpress blog, making a blog website “how to build a website 2012”

How to Create WordPress Theme. Divine Elemente Workflow

Divine Elemente (www.divine-project.com) is a Photoshop plugin which is intended for PSD to WordPress conversion. This short 5-minute video gives the information about Divine Elemente and its work – (0:10) Installation, – (0:35) New PSD template creation, – (2:15) WordPress theme publishing, etc. If you are new to Divine Elemente, you should watch this video first. What’s the difference between this video and the previous one? This video is with the real human voice 😉

Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin – Product Style 2

The best Amazon affiliate WordPress plugin, Product Style 2: amzps.com This Amazon WordPress plugin allows you to quickly generate completely customized affiliate advertisements and comparison charts by using Amazon Product Advertising API directly through your WordPress blog. Typically, ad information will have to be manually obtained from Amazon, but Product Style 2 will generate all of this information for you. It will even locally save product images to optimize them for search engine rankings – this plugin has a track record of top ten and even number one Google rankings for many different affiliate sites. In addition to creating image or text affiliate ads with this plugin, you’ll also be able to automatically generate product information to be displayed next to the advertisements. This product information creates an affiliate ad that is actually useful for website visitors, which results in higher CTR and more commissions. Unlike other plugins that automatically generate Amazon affiliate ads for WordPress blogs, Product Style 2 encourages unique content with a creative way to use Amazon Product Advertising API. Instead of creating the exact same ad as all other affiliates, Product Style actually lets you pick and choose the product information you want to display with your affiliate ads. You can also edit this information and even rearrange it to suit your needs. Since you can customize the way ads are created with this plugin, the plugin will actually remember an

How To Install MAMP & WordPress on OS X (MAG 22)

Learn how to install MAMP for Mac OS X; a freeware web server environment that includes PHP, Apache, and MySQL. We’ll also show you how to install WordPress locally on your machine, and teach about symbolic links. (They are the UNIX equivalent of aliases). NEED TO TROUBLESHOOT? Having Problems? Getting errors? Visit macappguide.com for a great troubleshooting video & installation tips! Mac App Guide is a weekly video podcast. Visit macappguide.com for more information, show notes, and to subscribe for free! MAMP www.mamp.info WordPress: wordpress.org Viewer Survey: macappguide.com Episode #22 for July 22, 2009 Mac App Guide is produced by Market Vision Media and distributed by Orange Media Network. marketvisionmedia.com http Thanks For Watching!