Tag Archives: Wordpress

WordPress Plugins

How to choose and add WordPress Plugins. How to use the WordPress Plugin Directory. Plugins I suggest: Akismet for comment spam, Google Analytics for WordPress, easily hooks WordPress to Google Analytics. All In One SEO Pack – the changes WordPress should make. Google XML Sitemaps — creates a google sitemap, important for SEO. Fast Secure Contact Form — allows visitors to send you email. ShareThis — social sharing buttons in many different iterations. W3 Total Cache — creates flat (not dynamic) files. Disqus Comment System — Replaces wordPress comment system with more socially-aware system. Yet Another Related Posts Plugin — shows related posts from your blog. WP-DB-Backup — backs up your WordPress database. Smart YouTube — easily insert YouTube videos. Exclude Pages from Navigation — allows you to remove pages from your nav bar. AskApache Password Protect — adds level of protection for passwords. Dynamic Content Gallery — Creates a dynamic image gallery. FD Feedburner Plugin — redirects all feeds to a Feedburner feed. Featured Content Gallery — creates a rotating image gallery. Twitter Tools — integrates your blog with Twitter. WordPress Firewall — blocks suspicious-looking requests to WordPress. WP Facebook Like — Puts a Like button on posts. WP Security Scan — performs a security scan of your WordPress installation. WP iPhone Theme — formats your site with a mobile theme. These plugins cover traffic builder, traffic monitoring, traffic generator

WordPress themes problem?

After installing wordpress on my web server, I subsequently installed a themes in public_html/wp-content/themes.

The problem is that when i click on an installed theme there is no preview. When I clickon activate it shows that my selected theme is activated

But when i visit the web site it is entirely blank.

Please help cos I am going out of my mind.
Wel i would have believed the theme was broken but i tried others even the deault theme doesnt work and gves me the same thing…nada!!!

How to Edit WordPress Theme CSS Styles – WordPressVideos.TV

This tutorial is continued with full written instructions at WordPressVideos.TV In this video, we’re gonna take a look at how to edit your WordPress themes. Now I understand that there are literally hundreds and hundreds of different WordPress themes out there, and I also understand that no matter how good a WordPress theme is, you may always have the need to customize your theme; for example, perhaps to change the font size, to change the type of font, or even to change certain colors on your WordPress theme itself. So in this video, I’m going to show you how to edit the CSS of the default WordPress theme only. Using an FTP program like FileZilla, you need to enter your hostname, username, and password and connect to your web hosting account. And when that’s done, you need to click on to the public_html folder, and click to wp-content, go inside the themes folder, and you need to go into the specific folder of the theme that you want to edit. So I’m going to click on the default theme, and you’ll see a lot of files here, but what you really need to look out for is a file called style.css. In some cases, if you’re using a different WordPress theme, they may have chosen to name the stylesheet differently, but the extension is always .css. So I’m going to right-click on this file; I’m going to select file permissions; I’m gonna change this to “777.” And of course, you can also check or uncheck the boxes here or you can just type in “777” and click on OK. When that’s done

Can't-Live-Without WordPress Plugins

The debate rages among bloggers surrounding what are must-have plugins for WordPress. Naturally, everyone has their personal preferences that depend on what they are trying to accomplish by blogging. But I was rather horrified to read a forum post discussing WordPress plugins stating that all you need in the way of plugins, “if you have good content”, were All in One SEO Pack Google XML Sitemaps and StatPress. Now, these are great plugins and I use them all on everyone of my sites. But to say that these three are all you need, regardless of not whether your content is good, bad or mediocre, is, well, just wrong. If you want to increase your on page SEO; decrease your page load time (a key factor for ranking in Google with their latest algorithm change); hide your affiliate links and find and remove lines of code or text quickly and easily and more you need a few more plugins in your arsenal. Here is my top-ten list of great WordPress Plugins. These are all free plugins. 1) All-in-One SEO Pack–This plugin helps your SEO right out of the box, without any configuration. To increase your on-page SEO, it allows you to add title, description and keywords to make your posts more search engine friendly, but it’s not a requirement. 2) WP-Super Cache–A caching plugin is a must with Google’s new emphasis on page load speed. WP-Super Cache allows logged in users to disable caching, which is important if you are trying to do some editing on your site without the pages constantly

WordPress Theme Tutorial: Part 2 – Homepage and Functions

In HD! Post your thoughts on the quality. This part of the tutorial shows you how to build the homepage for your website, while introducing several important WordPress core functions in the process. See codex.wordpress.org for more info. Files Used in Lesson (as of Part 3): andrewanimation.biz (Note: The index.php does NOT change in Part 3, so you are safe to use this .zip as a guide.)