Tag Archives: Wordpress

The Best Blogging Software Around – WordPress

quesomanrulz.com – Hello again everyone, this video tutorial is about WordPress and how to install and use some of it’s basic features. Two ways of installing WordPress are covered, Fantastico and Manual. Fantastico is preferred by most people and me, it makes the process simpler. If you have access to Fantastico then you should definitely use that. http and 000webhost.com both have the Fantastico service available for their free users. I use http and would suggest that. Thanks to BlackJackEnt for suggesting this tutorial. byethost.com http wordpress.org twitter.com Visit quesomanrulz.co.cc for more!

AnythingSlider for WordPress Plugin Tutorial

Get the plugin here: bit.ly The plugin will work on all WordPress installs, but since all themes are different,you will need to style it to make it fit into your theme. The plugins creates a post_meta_box on your wordpress post edit page so you can select which image to use in the slider. This video shows how to add images to the content slider and tweak the CSS to make it fit. If you want a Free Premium WordPress theme with the AnythingSlider already installed, go to mattdunlap.org to get it. The theme is the same one I’m using for my blog.

How to embed YouTube videos in WordPress 2.9+

www.fridaytrafficreport.com Embedding video in a WordPress blog post or page is easy with the later versions of WordPress. This video shows how to do it without breaking the embed code or having code show up in your posts. Also covered are some formatting tricks to make sure your embedded video looks good in your post. For more blogging training www.blogsuccess.com

WordPress Plugin Installation

www.TheAllHealthNetwork.com A quick video on how to install plugins into your word press blog twitterlink comment and dofollow are the two plugins I install into http twiiterlink adds a completion field so people can add their twitter ID to a comment. dofollow makes your wordpress comments part of your blog content and can bring more visitors to your site, because of the additional content

WordPress Tutorial – Use a Text Widget to Customize Sidebar

LATEST TUTORIALS: mcbuzz.wordpress.com CODE FOR THIS TUTORIAL HERE mcbuzz.wordpress.com This Intermediate level WordPress tutorial shows how to use a text widget to customize a WordPress sidebar. To see the final product of the tutorial in the Business Blogging 101 website and the HTML code used in this example, go to mcbuzz.wordpress.com and search for “text widget”. Widgets are a very useful feature of most new WordPress themes. These are called “widget enabled” or “widgetized” themes or “widget enabled” or “widgetized” sidebars. They allow you to add custom content to your sidebars with little or no knowledge of HTML or other code. In an earlier tutorial, I showed how to add Flickr photos to a WordPress sidebar using the Flickr photo widget. The example I use in this tutorial shows how to create a custom text box with a short biographical note and part of that text is a link. In PART TWO of this tutorial, I show how to insert an image into the same custom sidebar box, along with a LinkedIn profile “badge”. You can use these techniques to put whatever you want into your own WordPress sidebar.