Tag Archives: blogging

WordPress Tutorial – How To Add Images To Your Posts And Pages

WelcomeToWordPress.com This video will go over the step-by-step process of adding images to your posts and pages. It covers uploading images from your computer, linking to images on the web and using images you’ve already uploaded in the past. Also demonstrates formatting the size and alignment of the images in your post. Visit http for other WordPress Tutorials including: -Installing WordPress on your domain -Customizing your blog’s title and selecting a theme -Writing Posts for your blog -Using and modify widgets on your blog -Finding and installing plug-ins -Reviews and tutorials on specific plug-ins you may want to use You can also find tutorials on other subjects, and sign up for a free weekly newsletter filled with updates, tips and resources.

Installing WordPress Plug-Ins With FTP Clients

MatthewNeer.com In this short tutorial Matthew Neer will show you how you can easily set up and install a plug-in to your wordpress blog in a matter of minutes. If you are using the Plug-In Manager and are having some trouble finding exactly what you want, then this is the tutorial for you. You will learn how to use GoDaddy or another FTP Client to transfer those plug-ins seamlessly to your WordPress blog and have them functioning. If this tutorial helped you, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel videos to stay posted on all the best WordPress tips. Thank you for watching, Matthew Neer

WordPress Plugin Review: Social Media Share Buttons with Digg Digg

just-ask-kim.com If you’ve had a chance to check out my Top 10 Must Have WordPress Plugins post, you probably already know that I’m in love with the Digg Digg plugin. If not, I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce you to a plugin that has become a must have on my blog! Social media integration is a must these days and few things are more annoying than trying to get countless little share button plugins to all behave at the same time. It seems no matter what you do with the suckers at least one of them always has to have a mind of its own. Fortunately for us, there’s Digg Digg, a WordPress plugin which integrates nineteen and counting possible social media share buttons. It makes them all easy to lay out, lots of flexibility and the best part is they tend to actually go where you tell them to! (Novel idea right?) PS: You can find my Top 10 list at: just-ask-kim.com

The Best Blogging Software Around – WordPress

quesomanrulz.com – Hello again everyone, this video tutorial is about WordPress and how to install and use some of it’s basic features. Two ways of installing WordPress are covered, Fantastico and Manual. Fantastico is preferred by most people and me, it makes the process simpler. If you have access to Fantastico then you should definitely use that. http and 000webhost.com both have the Fantastico service available for their free users. I use http and would suggest that. Thanks to BlackJackEnt for suggesting this tutorial. byethost.com http wordpress.org twitter.com Visit quesomanrulz.co.cc for more!

How to embed YouTube videos in WordPress 2.9+

www.fridaytrafficreport.com Embedding video in a WordPress blog post or page is easy with the later versions of WordPress. This video shows how to do it without breaking the embed code or having code show up in your posts. Also covered are some formatting tricks to make sure your embedded video looks good in your post. For more blogging training www.blogsuccess.com

WordPress SEO — The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Theme Search

GO TO 21becioggcz9prcczcqnbw1r6m.hop.clickbank.net – Hope you like the new UBT. It was a big jump since the last version. The new version also includes “custom stylesheet” and “custom functions” so that when you update in the future, your customizations won’t be lost. It is also iPad ready and compatible to all browsers.