Tag Archives: blogging

WordPress Tutorial – Edit a Sidebar File Using a Text Editor

This Advanced-level WordPress tutorial shows how to download, edit and upload a WordPress theme sidebar file (sidebar.php) using FTP software and a text editor. This is considered an advanced WordPress tutorial because you work with the files for the WordPress theme. You do not use the WordPress Dashboard in this tutorial. The tutorial assumes you know how to setup and use FTP software on your computer so that you can download and upload the sidebar file. It also assumes you know how to open a text file like sidebar.php using a text editor. On a PC, common text editors are Notepad and Wordpad. On a Mac, the default text editor is TextEdit. A good Macintosh text editor for HTML and PHP files is BBEdit.

WordPress: Using Tumblelog Themes to Microblog

www.themeplayground.com Do you want to blog, but not want to have to post long diatribes every time? Why should you have to? These WordPress themes showcase the small, edible, digestible content you encounter and offers it up as attractive and bold. Visit Theme Playground for my favorites list. Not have a blog? Want one? Talk to me. ———- I’m often streaming live video here: www.ustream.tv Stop by and say hi, especially if you’re interested in any of the topics in my videos.

WordPress Tutorial – Make a Static Page Your Home/Front Page

NOTE: Updated tutorial at bit.ly for WordPress version 2.7. This Beginner-level WordPress Tutorial by Mark McLaren of McBuzz Communications shows you how to make a static WordPress Page your home page (also called “front” page). The default WordPress home page in most themes shows the chronological blog post entries with the most recent post at the top. You can create a static page using the Dashboard – Write – Page, and then tell WordPress to use that page as your home page (using Options – Reading – Front Page). This WordPress tutorial also shows you how to change the order of page navigation tabs or links.

Own Your Blog or Else! Easy WordPress Install

Watch this video tutorial and see how simple it is to get online with a blog today! Create a blog using free software from wordpress.org and get tips on why, if you want to become a serious blogger, if you want to make money with your blog or, if you want to control your blog, then using free blogs such as blogger.com or wordpress.com is NOT an option … You must own your blog. Here’s why …if you use hosted solutions such as blogger.com or wordpress.com, they can delete your site without your permission and there is nothing you can do about it. Also, using hosted sites to host your blog means that you have limited opportunities of monetizing your blog because some of them don’t allow you to make the most of advertising with say Google AdSense. WordPress.com for example makes it very clear that it is against their terms of service to commercialize your WordPress.com hosted blog by hosting paid advertising and will result in your blog being deleted. In fact, I’ve just been reading one forum where there is a reader called “Rainmaker” and he seems to have made it his job to report people who are commercializing their WordPress blogs and within no time, their sites have been deleted by WordPress. So don’t say you haven’t been warned. What you need to do is go to WordPress.org and download their free software and then upload the software to the server where you have your own hosting account, using your own domain name. Alternatively, you can use the automated feature found

Applying New Themes to your WordPress Blog

www.screencastcentral.com Changing the appearance of your blog in WordPress can be achieved with a single click of your mouse, by applying a new theme. A theme contains all the styling information for your website, and there a literally thousands of different themes on the internet, that you can download and apply to your blog for free. In this Screencast Tutorial, we show you how to apply a new theme to your WordPress blog, and how to download new themes from the internet, and install them on your site.