All posts by Linux Fan – Step-by-Step Tutorial on How to Blog

This is a good tutorial on WordPress blogging.

Chris Abraham walks you through how to join the fastest-growing and most elegant free blogging services, Go from the simple acts of joining all the way through set up and administration. Become a blogger in few than 45-minutes. Most folks only need the first 15 minutes to get you started. Chris is a professional blogging instructor. Enjoy!

Yochai Benkler: Open-source economics

Wondering about whether to switch to open source. Here is a economic view of the open source movement. Law professor Yochai Benkler explains how collaborative projects like Wikipedia and Linux represent the next stage of human organization. By disrupting traditional economic production, copyright law and established competition, they’re paving the way for a new set of economic laws, where empowered individuals are put on a level playing field with industry giants.

Open office spell checker?

For open office which I use because I deleted Microsoft word on accident and the program I use most (open office writer) won’t spell check, none of the programs do but I need writer the most! So when I go to spell check it says “continue checking at the beginning of the document” and if I say yes It says that it’s done and If I press no it closes. And I did a test try and spelled words wrong on purpose and tried it and it said I spelled it right. What can I do?

Updated – Step-by-Step Tutorial on How to Blog

Here is a complete how to on WordPress Blogs. This is very detailed on how to use WordPress.

Chris Abraham walks you through how to join the fastest-growing and most elegant free blogging services, Go from the simple acts of joining all the way through set up and administration. Become a blogger in less than and hour. Most folks only need the first 15 minutes to get you started. Chris is a professional blogging instructor. Enjoy! All of you have been asking me to update my step-by-step tutorial on how to use as a blogging platform — please check it out and please let me know what I have missed.